Brochure Copywriting

As well as your online presence, brochures have a massive role to play in your company marketing. But with limited print space available, your brochure copywriting needs to grab the readers’ attention – and quickly.

Yes it needs to look nice, but the design will not sell your product.

The words will.

Brochure copywriting

Brochure copywriter Suffolk

Regardless of whether you’re producing a brochure, flyer, leaflet or postcard, the goal remains the same.

To sell your product or service.

And to sell, you need copy that:

  • Engages the reader, using the correct tone of voice
  • Has personality
  • Is persuasive and convinces the reader to take action
  • Is easy to read
  • Quickly conveys the benefits of your product

I see so many company brochures that are full of ‘boring’ information. They are not boring to the company – they are very proud of what they do and the products they offer – but they have not given any thought to their audience and what they would find interesting.

An effective brochure must be written for the reader.

Unlike a website that you can click off and forget, a brochure can be kept. It can be filed for future reference, pinned to a notice board, left on a desk. It can be passed on to recommend you for new business.

A badly written brochure with no thought for the audience, or with poor spelling and bad grammar, could really damage your business, so it is worth taking the time and getting it right.


 Contact me today on 07780 002793 and let’s plan your next brochure!